The coach manager of innovation and transformation

« The only knowledge that can influence an individual’s behavior is that which he discovers for himself and appropriates ». Carl Rogers makes this a basic principle in his book on personal development. Thus neither authority nor formation can allow an individual to transform or innovate; it must come from a momentum (“the flow”) that comes from within. How to promote this momentum? Through coaching, a methodical accompaniment that every manager must acquire to carry out his objectives in terms of transformation.

1st step: Empathic listening

Start by listening … But not just anyhow. By listening actively, ie bouncing with open questions, and welcoming the words with kindness, it is to say without judgment or criticism, but with congruence, in reflection of what the manager. At the end of this first stage, a climate of empathy should allow us to take the next step in confidence.

2nd step: The benevolent feedback

The manager must then bounce back on what his collaborator has expressed and identify in his reservations or fears the objective part and the emotional part. He thus plays the mirror effect, magnifying, to allow the collaborator to become aware of them to overcome them. Any problem becomes then an opportunity for change.

manager coach innovation transformation

3rd step: The co-built solution

Together, they will then look for ideas to overcome resistances and move to the action. For this step the method of CPS (Creative Problem Solving) is very appropriate; she allows to co-build by following 4 steps: clarify the problem, find ideas, imagine solutions and then act, of these 4 steps we proceed by using a phase of divergence where creativity has its place every time and a phase of convergence to decide key ideas and solutions.

4th step: The power: permission and protection

The coach gives both permission and protection … this is what is expected of the collaborator: I authorize you to act and do not worry I will support you in case of problems. “I trust you will do it” is what everyone needs to hear and feel to take action. The manager must transform his power, which he naturally derives from his hierarchical status, in support of the power of his collaborators, so that they move on to the mental and operational implementation of the transformation.

« Innovation has become a strategic issue for everyone » Marc Giget

This is the introduction of Marc Giget during his presentation to the Paris Club of Directors of Innovation of his vision 2018-2020 and prospective 2030. As a member of the Academy of Technologies, he will brush us the major trends in innovation that are looming for the coming years.

The tone is given with a “it moves seriously” followed with equal ease of a quote from Georges Soros at the last Davos “some companies are already dead and they do not realize it”. Associated with the vision of world transformation and necessary adaptation for companies, Marc Giget argues that the innovation function has its role to play in this management of the transformation that is played out in the medium term to counteract the productivist and short-term vision termist of the marketing function.

innovation enjeu strategique

My insights into the evolution trends of innovation presented by Marc Giget:

1) The innovation strategy tends to be integrated into the corporate strategy, which implies a new governance and a merger between strategy and innovation management (RATP, EDF, Danone, LCL, Allianz France, etc.). )

2) Innovation becomes global, beyond the technique by resorting to multiple alliances, joint ventures … Thanks to this effect, the revival of the automotive and aerospace industry is witnessing. Valeo is a good example.

3) Total innovation is innovation all together, the Human Centric side of innovation gives a part to play for HR who have more or less difficulty getting started: risk management, better cooperation, innovation participatory …

4) Humanistic innovation reframes innovation in its goal of progress … The advertising trend of “innovation for a better life” is a reflection … To everyone to identify what is beyond the story telling!

5) Inclusive innovation is developing, linked to a goal of progress, it is in addition to leaving the purely consumerist innovation with new offers of innovative products, cheaper, accessible to the greatest number.

6) Design together, co-innovating with users, design with users, or design thinking, is a rising trend with today 54% of the leaders who affirm as important the implication of the users from the phase of ideation (Innovation Benchmark 2017)

7) Accelerating the digital transition is an issue for all companies, both in internal transformation and in the definition of new products and services; the Innovation Director is of course affected and has to play his role of piloting with the experts of internal technologies, the trades and the personnel concerned.

innovation enjeu strategique

We are witnessing a stimulation by the new players, the GAFA, which is forcing a redefinition of services, as Accor and G7 have done with success.

Digital is a source of innovation of all types, incremental and disruptive, as many opportunities for innovation in the coming years.

See you at the “National Encounters of Innovation” on June 14th to see how these strategic trends of innovation are concretely actualized!

« Our industry doesn’t respect tradition. It only respect innovation » Satya Nadella

And if we now talk about GAFAM and that the M has come to add to the original 4 musketeers, the Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon … It would not come partly from this freshness given by Satya Nadella the “new” president of Microsoft?

industrie respecte tradition innovation

This is the impression given by Eneric Lopez, Microsoft France’s Director of Innovation Programs, by presenting the new “Microsoft Soul” at the Paris Club Meeting of Directors of Innovation on Strategies. innovation.

The “Microsoftees” have undergone a real change of corporate culture: we no longer speak of “know it all” but of “learn it all”… The promotion of learning on knowledge is a real revolution in this environment. ‘knowledgeable’ experts! Similarly, HR no longer speaks of “individual performance” but “impact”. This impact is evaluated according to relational criteria “from other” (“What have I learned from others?”) and “to other” (“What did I bring to others?”).

industrie-respecte tradition innovation

At the same time, the behaviors and axes of innovation were all revisited to allow Satya Nadella to reach the ambition displayed in innovation.

#time to market: example of “Skype Translator” developed in 6months

#test and learn: “know how to try and know how to fail” the example of the Mirosoft Band project 1 then 2 then abandonment to better start later

# re-invent: when the smartphone was stopped ability to reinvent a category, example success of the “Surface”

#partnership: including with competitors for co-petition for example Amazon and for personal assistant Alexia

#platform: only technological model that allows to integrate in B to B and co-build in co-engineering

#IA: amplifying human ingenuity with intelligent technology

#Quantum computing with research on quantum computers

#Trust be responsible for what we do

#Tech for Good: innovating for values ​​of inclusion: education, health, planet

# Local anchorage: in France partnerships with Inria, F …

industrie respecte tradition innovation

 And to conclude I would add to this speech of Eneric Lopez, this presentation found on Twitter this week which raises innovation productions made possible by the artificial intelligence at the level of the progress expected by the users and concerning health by the men. Congrats to Mirosoft!

The 5 good reasons for HRD to take innovation and create an HR Innovation function.

“Innovation is what makes the difference between a follower and a leader.” Like Steve Jobs, the HR director who has a role in the company must show his leadership beyond the power that confers its status and function, a way of being whose innovation is today the engine.

The HRD is concerned in more than one way by innovation and it is for this reason that it is today in the air of time to create an “HR Innovation” function in companies.

1st reason: Innovation is strategic: the HRD must be able to participate in the decision

Its usual definition of “an idea that meets a market”  brings innovation to the strategic field of growth through the expansion of markets, products and value-added services. The HR department participates in decision-making by Comex and its teams through recruitment, talent management, training and recognition contribute to the implementation of these innovation decisions. The HRD must therefore keep abreast of the latest cultural modes of innovation management but also prospective trends in Digital, CSR … Areas that impact innovation today.

2nd reason: Innovation drives transformation: HRD must be the driver

Digital innovation has become unavoidable, partly encouraging and threatening. If we take the only example of robotization: some hard jobs may disappear in favor of new value-added professions for man, still unknown today. To carry out this transformation, HRD must master both methods of conducting systemic transformation and be interested in foresight questions in artificial intelligence.

innovation habitat social

3rd reason: Innovation is vital for the company: HRD has the obligation to develop it

Innovation has become vital for companies that are increasingly creating Innovation Director (CIO) positions often associated with Digital (CDO). These vital functions for company adaptation require special attention from HRD: recruiting innovative profiles that are compatible with the culture of innovation, train employees to access the skills required by innovation , recognize the innovators including in the management of the risk in the management of the projects … New benchmarks are RH to put in place.

4th reason: Innovation leads to a new culture: the HRD must facilitate its implementation

“Innovation is not predicting the future but allowing it to happen” Saint-Exupéry … and the HRD is the one with the DG who can create these “permissions”: do not consider stopping a innovative project as a personal failure of the project manager, help him rebound, recognize teams and sometimes “disturbing” personalities … And also lead the whole company towards openness, agility … Permanent adaptation to change .

5th reason: Innovation imposes new ways of working: HR must be exemplary

HRD’s role in addressing these emerging issues is a real opportunity to develop HR: review HR missions with the perspective of innovation and transformation, reorganize around these issues, use co-construction methods to innovate in HR, associate its ecosystem to go towards Design Thinking … Adapt HR to be, more than a contributor, leader of the transformation of the company towards innovation

Innovation lever of transformation in social housing

At the heart of all our connections, the habitat is affected by several waves … the digital wave but also the wave of sustainable development that imposes new rules between builders and dwellers. For the social housing, the measure concerning the APL makes him face besides a fall of the incomes. Innovation is then a necessary remedy to find solutions.

New financing to fill the revenue gap of the PLA, while remaining vigilant on the important weight of the regulatory in the field. Innovation with, or rather despite, the code of Construction and Housing requires real creativity!

innovation levier transformation sociale

Innovation has always been about building techniques. Today construction requires taking into account the energy transition (reduced consumption, access to electricity …) but also new processes favored by new technologies appear: building a house by 3D printer as in Nantes with Batiprint according to a process developed by Bouygues Construction. Not only the construction is facilitated but in addition to very low price … to the point that the Chinese eyeing on this French innovation for their social housing programs on the side of Beijing. Robots also come to supply maneuvers on construction sites for difficult tasks.

Digital with its new technologies and new uses makes tenants more demanding … as for all areas of everyday life they ask to be “actors” of their housing, choose, customize their habitat. We even talk about “participatory housing”. Habiteo, a start-up that helps developers to digitize by offering platforms of exchange between promoters and future buyers has raised 6 million euros. The neighborhoods also generate solidarity associations that allow the expression of different and enriching cultural needs for the finalized version.

More globally, all professions in social housing are impacted by the arrival of artificial intelligence, big data and connected objects … starting with the guardians who have a role of presence that neither robots nor chatbots can replace: a human and warm presence, which needs to be harmonized with this new global vision of social housing.

« It was better before » or innovation for progress!

To offer or comment for those who are constantly complaining about the evolution of the world…

This little manifesto, written on a bloody shot, by the author of Thumbelina, angry with all the Grumblers Grand Daddies, Michel Serres.

Offered first to any buyer of two Michel Serres paperbacks, in the front of the enthusiasm, the publishing house (The Apple Tree) has decided to publish it in the form of a very small book: “Ten Grumblers Grand Daddies keep telling to Thumbelina ,unemployed or trainee who will pay a long time for these retirees: “It was better before”.

mieux avant innovation creatrice progres

« This is good, before, precisely, I was there » … can claim Michel Serres.  «  I can draw up an expert report that starts : before, we were ruled by Franco, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao… That good people, before, wars and state crimes behind the head of millions of deaths. Result of these festivities will edify you. “

What a beautiful ode to progress with this look in the mirror of a fine observe: the conditions of hygiene, food, work, the condition of women, children… Beautiful, fair, objectively analyzed arguments to nail everyone who has not entered the new world and who would like to prevent us from innovation coming forward, progress and humanity!

The manager coach of innovation and transformation

The only knowledge that can influence an individual’s behavior is that which he discovers for himself and appropriates “. Carl Rogers makes this a basic principle in his book on personal development. Thus neither authority nor formation can allow an individual to transform or innovate; it must come from a momentum (” the flow “) that comes from within. How to promote this momentum? Through coaching, a methodical accompaniment that every manager must acquire to carry out his objectives in terms of transformation.

1st step: Empathic listening

Start by listening … but not just anyhow. By listening actively, ie bouncing with open questions, and welcoming the words with kindness, it is to say without judgment or criticism, but with congruence, in reflection of what the manager. At the end of this first stage, a climate of empathy should allow us to take the next step in confidence.

manager coach innovation transformation

2nd step: The benevolent feedback

The manager must then bounce back on what his collaborator has expressed and identify in his reservations or fears the objective part and the emotional part. He thus plays the mirror effect, magnifying, to allow the collaborator to become aware of them to overcome them. Any problem becomes then an opportunity for change.

3rd step: The co-built solution

Together, they will then look for ideas to overcome resistances and move to the action. For this step the method of the CPS (Creative Problem Solving)  is very indicated; she allows to co-build by following 4 steps: clarify the problem, find  ideas, imagine solutions and then act, of these 4 steps we proceed by using a phase of divergence where creativity has its place every time and a phase of convergence to decide key ideas and solutions. 

4th step: The power: permission and protection

The coach gives both permission and protection … this is what is expected of the collaborator: “I authorize you to act and do not worry I will support you in case of problems”. “I trust you will do it” is what everyone needs to hear and feel to take action. The manager must transform his power, which he naturally derives from his hierarchical status, in support of the power of his collaborators, so that they move on to the mental and operational implementation of the transformation.

Where Is AI Headed in 2018?

13 predictions by researchers and experts from around the world.

Publications like The Wall Street Journal, Forbes and Fortune have all called 2017 “The Year of AI.” And with good reason.

AI outperformed professional gamers and poker players in new realms. Access to deep learning education expanded through various online programs. The speech recognition accuracy record was broken multiple times, most recently by Microsoft. And research universities and organizations like Oxford, Massachusetts General Hospital and GE’s Avitas Systems invested in deep learning supercomputers.

These are a few of many milestones in 2017. So what’s next?

We’ve gathered predictions from the world’s leading researchers and industry thought leaders.

direction IA 2018

AI Will Become Real for Medicine

“2018 will be the year AI becomes real for medicine. We’re going to move from algorithms to products and think more about integration and validation, so that these solutions can move from concepts to real, tangible solutions for our doctors. By the end of next year, I think around half of leading healthcare systems will have adopted some form of AI within their diagnostic groups. And while a lot of this adoption will happen first in the diagnostic medical specialties, we’re seeing solutions for population health, hospital operations and a broad set of clinical specialties quickly follow behind. In 2018, we’ll begin the adoption of a technology that may truly transform the way providers work, and the way patients experience healthcare, on a global scale.” – Mark Michalski, executive director, Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Center for Clinical Data Science

Deep Learning Will Revolutionize Engineering Simulation and Design

“2018 will be the year deep learning starts a revolution in engineering simulation and design. Over the next three to five years, deep learning will accelerate product development from years to months and weeks to days to create a new paradigm of rapid innovation in product features, performance and cost.” – Marc Edgar, senior information scientist, GE Research

AI Will Be Considered Part of a “Regular” Clinical System

“AI in 2018 and in the coming years will be so embedded into our clinical systems that it will no longer be called AI but rather just a regular system. And people will ask themselves: ‘How were we able to live without these systems in the past?’” – Luciano Prevedello, M.D., M.P.H., Radiology & Neuroradiology, Ohio State University Wexler Medical Center

AI Will Be Considered a Mainstream Content Creator

“Given the rapid pace of research, I expect AI to be able to create new personalized media, such as music according to your taste. Imagine a future music service that doesn’t just play existing songs you might like, but continually generates new songs just for you.” – Jan Kautz, senior director of Visual Computing and Machine Learning Research, NVIDIA

Technology Will Continue to Adapt to AI

“AI is going to affect 25 percent of technology spend going forward. The key topic is how organizations and the human workforce will cope with the changes that AI technologies will bring.” – Nicola Morini Bianzino, managing director of Artificial Intelligence and growth & strategy lead of Technology, Accenture

Biometrics Will Replace Credit Cards and Driver’s Licenses

“Thanks to AI, the face will be the new credit card, the new driver’s license and the new barcode. Facial recognition is already completely transforming security with biometric capabilities being adopted, and seeing how tech and retail are merging, like Amazon is with Whole Foods, I can see a near future where people will no longer need to stand in line at the store.” – Georges Nahon, CEO, Orange Silicon Valley; president, Orange Institute, a global research co-laboratory

New Deep Learning Techniques Will Provide Transparency into How Data Is Processed

“Deep learning will significantly increase the quantitative content of radiology reports. There will be much fewer concerns about deep learning being a ‘black box,’ as new techniques will help us understand what DL is ‘seeing.’” – Bradley J. Erickson, M.D., Ph.D., consultant for Department of Radiology; consultant for Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics, Department of Health Sciences Research; associate chair of Research, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic

AI and Deep Neural Networks Will Be Accessible on Smartphones

“Vast applications on smartphones will run deep neural networks to enable AI. Friendly robots will start to emerge as more affordable and rise as the new platform at home. They will start to bridge vision, language and speech in such a way that the users will not be conscious about the difference between these communication modalities.” – Robinson Piramuthu, chief scientist for computer vision, eBay

AI Will More Fully Integrate into Daily Life

“Robots are going to get better at complex tasks that humans still take for granted, like walking around a room and over objects. They’ll get better at mastering boring, normal things. I’m looking forward to seeing progress in NLP tasks as well, since right now we’ve got a ways to go. We’re going to see more and more products that contain some form of AI enter our lives. Waymo’s level 4 autonomous vehicles are deployed on the road now. So all this stuff that’s been tested in the lab will become more common and available. It will touch more lives.” – Chris Nicholson, CEO and co-founder,

AI Development Will Be More Diverse

“We will start seeing more and more people from all kinds of backgrounds participating in building, developing and productizing AI. Tooling and infrastructure will continue to improve and make it easier for more people to translate their data and algorithms into real-world usage. Products and apps will allow more interactive querying of the inner workings of the underlying models, with the result being increased trust and confidence in these systems, particularly in mission-critical applications. In medicine, we will see more aggregation of disparate sources of information spanning across many disciplines, rather than focusing on single-application cases, though the scope of these targeted applications will continue to expand at a feverish pace.” – George Shih, founder,; associate professor and vice chair, Informatics, Department of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medicine

AI Will Open a New Field of Research in Contemporary Astrophysics

“AI will enable the detection of an unexpected astrophysical event that emits gravitational waves, opening a new field of research in contemporary astrophysics.” – Eliu Huerta, astrophysicist and head of the gravity group, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

AI Will Translate from the Research Lab to the Patient Bedside

“AI in imaging is reaching the peak of the ‘hype curve,’ and we will begin to see AI-enabled tools translate from the research lab to the radiologist workstation and ultimately the patient bedside. The not so glamorous use cases (for example, workflow tools, quality/safety, patient triage, etc.) for AI evaluation and implementation will start grabbing the attention of developers, insurance companies, healthcare organizations and institutions. One of the biggest challenges the medical and imaging AI industry will face is the ability of regulators to keep up with the innovation that is occurring. The FDA will need to find efficient and streamlined methodologies to vet and approve algorithms that will be used to screen, detect and diagnose disease.” – Safwan Halabi, medical director of Radiology Informatics, Stanford Children’s Health, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital

AI Personal Assistants Will Continue to Get Smarter

“Personal assistant AIs will keep getting smarter. As our personal assistants learn more about our daily routines, I can imagine the day I need not to worry about preparing dinner. My AI knows what I like, what I have in my pantry, which days of the week I like to cook at home, and makes sure that when I get back from work all my groceries are waiting at my doorstep, ready for me to prepare that delicious meal I had been craving.”  – Alejandro Troccoli, senior research scientist, NVIDIA

Interested in hearing more from AI innovators? Learn more about where AI is going in our original docuseries, “I am AI.” The first episode is now available here.

Article inspired by Rosie brown on Linkedin 03/12/17