An EXcom is not a team like any other: how to lead it through collective intelligence

“Alone, we go faster but, together, further” this proverb applies to many leaders who come to consult me ​​to help them lead their Excom towards the achievement of common objectives. In fact, they have the impression of “running the…

Partnership, the job of the future

Director of Partnerships is, in my opinion, “the” job of the future. Much more than fashionable professions such as “data scientist” voted “sexiest job of the 21st Century by the Harvard Business Review, partnerships, relationship…
Les 9 types d'intelligence

Multiple intelligences to develop collective intelligence

"It's not the color of our skin that makes us different, it's the color of our thoughts" that's what Steven Aitchinson was developing in his bestseller on personal development and what neuroscience is deepening today scientifically by digging…

Innovation Culture : between 'Legacy' & 'Digital' ! HR in charge of past & future

L’innovation génère ce paradoxe de créer de la valeur et d’en détruire dans le même temps (la fameuse « innovation destructrice » de Schumpeter). D’où la différence, entre  des start up qui ont tout à inventer « from scratch »…