Financial people can also be innovative!

Among the beliefs around innovation, there is that innovation is reserved for certain professions: R&D, marketing… but today innovation is becoming a skill to be integrated into all professions. And if we ask ourselves the question of the ability of CFOs to innovate, it is only necessary to look at the example of Jeff Bezos, whose career as a financial data analyst has enabled him to become one of the men the richest in the world! A fine example of the application of innovation to finance, which you will find detailed in my book “Knowledge-Innovation, the innovation attitude to adapt to the changing world” (*) and of which I give you some keys in this article.


1) How are CFOs affected by know-how to innovate?

All professions are impacted by the state of transition we live in to deal with increased complexity and uncertainty. Financiers, like other professions, must adapt to the new economic, regulatory and environmental situation… In the study (**) that I conducted at the end of 2021 with 100 managers, 92% declared that innovation was key to facing the challenges of the new world.

The art of innovation is that of adapting, of taking advantage of situations, of seeing opportunities where others see threats. Like Jeff Bezos who made a bookstore the largest grocery store in the world by developing Amazon, which today capitalizes at nearly 1000 billion dollars.


2) What is the role of the DAF in the innovation process

Exercising a sovereign function, such as the HRD, the DAF has the power to grant or not resources, financial and often also human, within the framework of the follow-up of FTEs as KPIs. The contribution of the DAF is therefore essential for the implementation of the projects and their execution.

But their contribution can go beyond the framework of budget and staff allocation, to move towards a role of active contributor to the analysis stages: the upstream stage of the clarification of the problem which requires a quantified vision of the forecasts, and at the step of solutions through a pragmatic approach to feasibility.

They can also contribute through new ways of approaching the financing of new projects through new business models and new ways of raising funds.


3) How to help CFOs to develop their know-how to innovate?

As I explain in detail in my book, there are 6 conditions for developing your innovation skills. The CFO must submit to it if he wishes to free his flow and be exemplary in this area: first of all to really want to, then to evolve in a cultural environment that will if not help him at least not prevent it, give yourself time, regular moments, one or more places and rituals that will inspire her, train regularly and why not, get support to stay in her line of responsibility.


4) How can CFOs be helped to develop the collective intelligence of their teams?

If the CFO is himself exemplary, the teams will follow because “creativity is contagious” according to Einstein who is an absolute model.

However, a few conditions will facilitate the expression of the collective flow: the motivation of the team which goes hand in hand with the sharing of a common sense, collective rules of life favoring risk-taking, the recognition of ideas, and creating appointments to allow finance teams, as Einstein would say, to “train their intelligence to have fun”!

Knowledge-Innovation, the innovation attitude to adapt to the changing world

I am pleased to announce the release of my 1st book “Knowledge-Innovation, the innovation attitude to adapt to the changing world”, published by @Editions l’Harmattan and available now in bookstores (Fnac, Cultura , Decitre…) in paper and digital versions but only in french for the moment.

The contrast between the optimism of innovators and the generalized defeatism in the face of a changing world has always fascinated me. In #Innovation, there is a magical power of transformation. Inspired, visionary, lucid, innovators have this incredible ability to find solutions in adversity, to bounce back, to know how to seize opportunities in the midst of chaos, to draw from themselves the resources necessary to surpass themselves and “ change the world ” …


The result of 3 years of work, this book was imagined as a bridge between 2 worlds that are dear to me:

  • the world of Innovation and
  •  the world of Coaching.

2 worlds that generally work in parallel while there are many bridges between the two… and a common objective, that of #transformation, of the world through innovation and of man through coaching.

During this extraordinary experience that was the writing of this book, I was able to count on the unfailing support and the precious advice of many contributors whom I thank and in particular of the one whom I consider to be my “mentor”, Pascal Viginier, Honorary President of the Academy of Technologies, who agreed to sign the preface. @Michel Giffard, Founder of the HEC Paris Coaching School and one of the pioneers of coaching in France since the 1990s, also made me the friend of being my post-faceur. Throughout the pages, you will also come across inspiring personalities, innovators with talent and heart, who have enthusiastically acceptedto take part in this project and pass on their experience of know-how to innovate:@Marc Giget, @Thomas Pesquet @Sidney Rostan @Claude Brousseau PGA Master @Sylvie Borzakian @David Bordessoules @Frederic Caillaud @Helene Campourcy @Jacky Z. Chang @Sophie Troussard @Jean-Marc FONTAINE @Patrick Peureux @Jean-Charles Pierre GUILLET @ Sylvain Clemendot @Julie Levy @Albert Meige Arnaud Donckele @Clara Berruyer @Vincent Crosville @Morgane Depoorter @Laurent Dassault @Laure Bomo @christophelienard @fabricemezieres @jean-yvesleonnec @laurenerichard @francoiseengrand Finally, thank you to my editor and his team for the trust granted.To all those who wish to take part in building a new, better world, learn how to mobilize cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence… Business leaders, innovation professionals (innovation director, marketing director, digital director, IT director, etc.) , HRDs, support professionals, trainers, coaches, consultants specializing in personal development or, quite simply, potential readers wishing to progress personally, in times of transition or resilience, enjoy your journey to the heart of the best of innovation!

Innovation, school of resilience.

In the series dedicated to what makes “innovators happier” (*), I propose now the attitude of resilience. Defined in psychology as “a trauma to be overcome”, it is also a philosophy of life that Confucius praises: “No stone can be polished without friction, no man can perfect his experience without trial”. Innovation is a testing ground for risk, and therefore failure, which strengthens the ability to absorb and bounce back. And conversely, resilience makes you confident in your ability to rebound, and therefore to innovate and live your life with more confidence. Innovate, you will become stronger.


Disruptive innovation, the essence of resilience

Innovation contains within itself the ingredients to create trauma. The innovator must manage his idea to make it succeed by overcoming inevitable obstacles – resources, jealousy, malevolence…-. The emotional dimension is very strong with the fear linked to the risk that his project will not succeed like 80% of ideas since barely 20% will be transformed.

The innovator also has to manage the ability of others to accept his idea and overcome the inevitable destruction that the new solution will cause. Innovation is therefore a tough school of change and, when it comes to disruptive innovation, risk and failure.


Steve Jobs model of resilience

The four major entrepreneurial periods in the life of Steve Jobs can be analyzed in terms of resilience.

Each one is like a rebound of survival after a traumatic event, whether it be the creation of Apple, the dismissal of Apple with the creation of NeXT, the acquisition of Pixar, the repeated innovations upon returning to Apple and the fourth stage which followed the announcement of his pancreatic cancer. But all these stages and this strength of resilience would come from the first trauma, that of the abandonment by his mother at birth.

What might have remained as a trauma became a rebounding force. His dismissal from Apple, when he had taken him to the top in 4 years, reopened his abandonment wound: “I felt like I had received a punch in the stomach, I was stunned I couldn’t breathe anymore”. (**). And Job manages to overcome this ordeal. While he was fired at the end of May from June he goes to Paris to give a conference at an Apple expo. And September he presents his new project to the board of directors: “I have thought a lot and I think it is time for me to turn the page”.


Innovation makes “anti-fragile”

The practice of innovation makes it possible to put failures into perspective by freeing oneself from the view of others on what success is. An innovator may find satisfaction in having just tried his luck, or seeing his idea taken up by another or even taking up that of another, thus exceeding the well-known NIH (***) in innovation.

The distancing of the ego shapes the personality and makes it different. “The strength of innovation is that it gives the impression of feeling special” and like Steve Jobs, I invite you to follow his example “Think different” to become resilient.

(*) RH&M Review APRIL 22 N°85 “Why are Innovators happier?” JULY 22 N°86 “Startups, Eldorado of innovation for young people”

(**) “Steve Jobs, the life of a genius” Walter Isaacson

(**) NIH “Not Invented Here” syndrome of researchers who prefer to invent than take up the ideas of others. Open innovation, which consists of soliciting ideas from outside the company, has helped to overcome it


Startups, the young people Eldorado

In the series dedicated to what makes “innovators happier”, I propose today the case of startups. More than a third of young graduates dream of working in a startup according to a study by Job Teaser. Great success stories like Doctolib, BlaBlacar or AirBnb make them prefer to join a young shoot than a large group after graduation. Why ? The reasons cited are multiple but all affect the meaning they find in a startup: the innovation that stimulates them, agile management, the possibility of having responsibilities, the values ​​of the startup culture and a model of inspiration that is the founding entrepreneur of the startup.


1) Innovation, “raison d’être”

Being ready to reduce their salary to work in a company with environmental and societal values ​​closer to their own, young workers find in the innovation that drives startups a meaning to their work.

This contribution to progress, to saving the planet and people was multiplied during the pandemic at Doctolib or at AirBnb with the war in Ukraine with the special “Ukrainian refugees” service. The possibility of innovating gives them this feeling of acting responsibly in the world.

2) Agility, a priority

This generation finds it difficult to support the authority and the processes that are an integral part of large companies. A flexible management, with flexible and personalized schedules, even if intense, and a cool relationship with the manager correspond better to their expectations. The accelerated operation and the permanent uncertainty of the challenges to be met creates the conditions for the agility they are looking for in startups.

3) Responsibility, to have an impact

Although they may seem casual by dint of being relaxed, the younger generations are in fact looking for greater responsibility. This is less clear in a large company where you can only be part of a more global process. Young graduates are valued for having visible results, being able to participate, give suggestions and even make decisions.This autonomy that they find in startups reinforces their feeling of usefulness and actor of success.

4) “Startup spirit”, shared culture

The cool attitude is that nothing is imposed, neither dress style, which can be very relaxed, nor formality, nor hierarchical spirit. Creativity is pushed and everything that will encourage it: breaks, discussions over coffee, games… Quite the opposite of large companies which tend to impose or limit. But the spirit of performance is still there and the “culture of feedback” which leaves room for criticism to improve a product or know-how are very present and encouraged because room is left for suggestions and therefore for feeling. to be part of the project.

5) Entrepreneur, inspiring leader

If 37% of people under 35 are attracted by the status of entrepreneur according to a study carried out by Opinion Way, starting in a startup is formative, before embarking on your own entrepreneurial adventure. Rejecting hierarchical systems that are too rigid and the authority of a boss, the younger generations have as a model of leadership entrepreneurs who, like them, have been attracted by the challenge, and nourish great stories combining financial success and contribution to innovation of progress.


Why are innovators happy?

People should pursue what they are passionate about. That would make them happy more than anything else.” This advice is that of Elon Musk, echoing Steve Jobs’ definition of innovation “a passion that burns in you”. Innovation enthusiasts experience this new world as an exhilarating time. Why ? the answer through Ikigai, this Japanese method  that allows you to determine your purpose and live in harmony with yourself and others. Innovators do Ikigai unknowingly, driven by passion and intuition because:


1) They live in their “flow”

The flow is this state of harmony that we feel when we do something that corresponds to what we love. Living in this flow would be the key to the longevity of the inhabitants of Okinawa, which is also called the island of centenarians” because they would live according to their Ikigai (in Japanese “live what you hope for”). It is a philosophy of life that allows you to live in balance with an ideal that is a good reason to get up in the morning.

There are “small flows” for everyday pleasures and “big flow” for major achievements that correspond to an accomplishment.

Innovators live permanently in their flow, which is what makes them creative and visionary.


2) They do what they love

Innovators like new ideas, meetings with original people and therefore experience innovation as an “autotelic” activity, i.e. self-motivating. They know what they like and assume it with great independence from the eyes of others.

If you’ve lost sight of what you love as you race through the grindstone, make a list of the things that give you pleasure, that you do effortlessly, in your flow. Also make a list of what annoys you and misses you to become aware of your frustrations. Think of someone you envy, they will tell you a lot about what you desire.

3) They do what they are good at

Driven by their intuition, they follow their natural talents. Steve Jobs, who revolutionized the world of design with Apple, has always been driven by aesthetics and the visual arts on which he has nourished himself all his life by practicing them and studying them during his travels. Gifted in creating new universes and products, he surrounded himself with managers like Tim Cooks, the current boss of Apple, to ensure the back office.

You too have preferences and skills. They may have been masked by your education or the needs of your current job. Reconnect with your natural so to take pleasure in your life, private and professional.


4) They are paid to perform

The richest men on the planet are innovators: E.Musk, J.Bezos, B.Arnault, B.Gates, M.Zuckerberg…. Yet Jobs kept repeating that money was not his driving force and besides he lived in great frugality, vegetarian and with his eternal black sweater.

Elon Musk wants him to earn money to achieve his dreams. A serial entrepreneur, he systematically reinvests his earnings in new companies he creates. Thus Paypal allowed him to create Tesla, Tesla finances Space X…

And you, what are your strong skills that will allow you to earn money without having the impression of making an effort?


  • They contribute what the world needs

In their desire to “save the world” like Bill Gates with his health foundation or Elon Musk in wanting to “create life” on Mars, they all have a high vision of their reason for being on Earth.

And you, at your level, what is the ideal that you hold and the cause to which you could contribute that would allow you to live better in harmony with you and in the world.


Innovation, an essential skill for the Leader in the world of “living with”

Innovation, an essential skill for the Leader in the world of “living with”
2021 Innovation Blossom survey “Innovation and leader of tomorrow”

Feedback from 100 players in the world of innovation .

From one confinement to another, the idea that the world before will come back fades. “Living with” the virus, its variants and general uncertainty is gaining ground in people’s minds. To understand this development, Innovation Blossom carried out in early 2021 a study “Innovation and leader of tomorrow”  by interviewing more than a hundred players in the world of innovation. Even though 99% of respondents agree that innovation has become essential, what kind of innovation is it? What are the soft skills of tomorrow’s leaders? What are their secrets to get into their flow? Mobilize the collective flow of their teams?


1) Innovation to meet 3 major challenges

If there is one area that the virus has brought about, it is innovation. 99% of respondents agree that it has become essential to address the challenges facing businesses. These challenges identified in 2021 are mainly: digitization (55%), teleworking (50%) and the environment (45%). Regarding the nature of the innovation, opinions are divided since those who believe that they will have to do incremental innovation, improvement, are hardly more numerous (53%) than those who are preparing for disruptive or disruptive innovation (47%).

2) Innovation but “responsible” innovation

To the question “do you think that the crisis has accelerated responsible innovation”, 63% respond positively by giving concrete arguments that converge around taking responsibility. ecological awareness, teleworking even if it remains to be better organized, and people. 40% have already started a “Reason for being” initiative in their company, illustrating my last column “Covid, virus for responsible innovation” .

3) The essential soft skills to drive innovation

Specific skills correspond to each step of the innovation process. In developing the strategy, analysis prevails. For ideation it’s creativity followed by originality and decentering. For the development of solutions, it is risk taking that takes precedence over perseverance. And when it comes to taking action, agility dominates followed by decision-making, courage and collaboration. Thus the world of innovation, reigns of hard skills and technique, invites soft skills to support it. Which is new.

4) How to deal with uncertainty

The uncertainty that the Covid has plunged the world into is inherent in innovation. Innovators are well versed in the need to work in an uncertain environment and in dependence on others. Their experience has led them to believe that skills for dealing with uncertainty are primarily the ability to anticipate, followed by imagination and stress management. Believing in your luck is also one of these positive skills. Suffice to say that emotional intelligence is now considered essential.  5) enter your flow To innovate you need to access a particular state of positive inspiration called flow. For more than 65%, a particular ritual allows them to easily enter their flow. These varied tips – between meditation, mantra, or personal method – will be the subject of a future article. On the other hand, 85% of them admit that they have no ritual to promote the flow of their teams. The development of collective intelligence is therefore the next challenge revealed by the survey echoing the responsible trend of innovation.

> See the study

In the age of responsible innovation, the accountability partner coach.

In a previous post, I presented the rise of responsible innovation and more generally of the sense of responsibility since the arrival of the virus. Social distancing, barrier gestures, it is called upon to the responsibility of each one as a citizen. Likewise for innovation today it is about responsible innovation, protecting the planet, investing in sustainable ideas. This state of mind, which is strongly emerging in the new generation, forces everyone to realize that they are an actor in the system. Being and showing oneself responsible, that is to say aware of one’s actions, behaviors and decisions, is today a necessity for each of us and a fortiori an obligation for the leader. How to do it ?


  • Be responsible yourself in the name of exemplarity

It is difficult to advocate “responsible innovation” while behaving without respect for others, without being aware of the scope of one’s actions. “Be the change you want in the world,” said Gandhi, who was the first to conform his life to the vision he carried. Exemplarity, that quality which leads the leader to adopt the behavior he expects from his subordinates and which should inspire them in return, has become essential.

  • Coaching to set your intention and act in conscience

To ensure your goals and the right attitude to achieve your goals, support can be very useful. First step clarify your intention. What should my intention of responsibility relate to? What are my values? what are the expectations of others? what are the points of agreement? of difference. Once the intention is clarified you have to stick to it and for that a framework is necessary.

  • Coaching to give yourself a framework for action

In agreement with the chosen coach, certified and respecting ethics and deontology, a framework will be defined. The rhythm of the sessions, their place and their duration will constitute this regular meeting, this time given to oneself to work on one’s goal. Respecting this framework is imperative because departing from it leaves the door open to procrastination or the manifestation of emotional limitations.


  • Coaching to benefit from feedback and develop emotional intelligence

The coach by his active listening will also allow feedback ... always benevolent. Playing its role of mirror, it will support the awareness of actions to be encouraged or modified, of soft skills to be developed or used positively. In order to go in depth on self-knowledge and the perception of others, the coach can offer certified tools for measuring emotional intelligence. By testing his EQ (Emotional Quotient), he will identify the emotional skills that he recognizes himself and with a 360 ° he will benefit from the vision of those interviewed in his entourage. A complete assessment for a 360 vision of the perception of his sense of responsibility and his way of expressing it

  • Individual coaching but also collective

This support, which encourages the implementation of “responsible” actions, is proving to be very successful individually and is applied daily to managers and project leaders. But coaching can also be applied to teams, in particular to management teams who must exemplify the company’s sense of responsibility.


Innovation, at the service of the “Raison d’être”.

In my previous article I presented how the Covid 19 pandemic had accelerated the responsible innovation movement. Behind this search for meaning by all citizens looms the need for meaning in business. According to an Ifop study, 95% of French people say they expect companies to commit themselves to social issues. Establishing a raison d’être is therefore not only virtuous in accordance with the Pacte Law but above all a guarantee of motivation for employees and commitment of stakeholders. As an expert in innovation, I see this search for meaning as an opportunity for each company to redefine its innovation strategy and develop a culture of innovation through openness and collaboration.


1)   What role in the “New World”?

The uncertainty and constant change that characterize today’s world have heightened the need for meaning. Beyond the Pacte Law, companies have every interest in establishing and displaying their “raison d’être”. Today, this is a pledge to recruit and retain not only employees but also customers who share the same values. It is also a way to stand out from competitors who have not made this effort of empathy with their stakeholders. Like Danone and Michelin, which started the trend, all companies are concerned since the “raison d’être” has become a condition of performance.


2) Innovate: why and for what?

Innovating is no longer an option. Not only has it been observed that those who came out of the crisis were innovation leaders. So the Big Techs of Silicon Valley have seen an increase in their turnover (60% Facebook) and their market capitalization (record of 2000 billion dollars for Apple). Innovation is above all an ability to adapt. Today, innovation must be about progress, technology at the service of people and the planet. The company must strive to converge the axes of the company’s CSR strategy in its innovation strategy


3) Reason for “being” and “knowing-how-to-innovate”

For companies that already have a culture of innovation, it is easier to establish its raison d’être because the methods are those of innovation management, as I defined them in my book: respect the 4 steps innovation, align strategic CSR and Innovation axes, and create a mix of actions that will unleash initiative and confidence. To provide solutions to social and environmental concerns, it is important to develop soft skills such as empathy and questioning that will promote collaboration and internal and external partnerships. It is also common to see that innovative companies commonly create partnerships with each other. Let us quote the recent example of co-innovation between Decathlon and Bic which transformed the Easybreath diving mask into a filter mask for healthcare personnel in 18 weeks


4) Start with a diagnosis of innovation maturity Before launching the co-construction of your Raison d’Etre with your stakeholders, I advise you to establish a diagnosis of your innovation maturity. The proximity between innovation and reason makes it possible to optimize the innovation and CSR approach, when they have already started, or even to give them new impetus to make them a real intangible value for your company and show your ambition.