Dyson, sales jump 45% through innovation… Next step : Artificial Intelligence 

For everyone, the brand “Dyson” is associated with “bagless vacuum cleaner” … which was already a beautiful breakthrough innovation! After the LED luminaires in 2015, with the integration of the company of Jake Dyson, the son of the founder James Dyson, the group added two categories last year: hair dryers and air purifiers. With these innovations sales jumped 45% and profits 41%!


An interesting innovation story to analyze

Founder James Dyson explains : “We do not have a logical business plan. We just want to develop technologies and integrate them into the right product. “. This technological integration capability with agility is the strength of the group… detecting a new technology, depositing it and applying it in a product that remains in Dyson’s core business, i.e. the household appliance.

For the future, the 3,500 engineers will be more than a third of the workforce (9000p) will not complain about the latest statements of the founder: “We will still do more research, especially on software integration and intelligence Artificial “. It is important to point out that even though he left the operational management he kept his hand on the researchers.


“My ideal would be that our products become completely autonomous” … a dream that is very likely to become a reality soon enough if we judge Dyson’s ability to integrate technology!

How will artificial intelligence revolutionize the world of guidance?

When one knows that “in 20 years 60% of the trades are brought to disappear”, pushed to the rank of antiquities by the digital wave, the question of the often already difficult orientation (“what profession will I do? ‘Reinforced by( is the job I want to do part of those who will disappear? ‘). But the digital wave is also creative innovation and artificial intelligence should help the choices by revolutionizing, with positive effects, academic and professional guidance. Analysis through 3 start-ups.


Impala’s boost to data

It is obviously data processing which is the core of the artificial intelligence orientation devices: to connect the data concerning the person to be oriented (his preferences, his tastes, his skills), at the basis of all the possible professions by making a Link to determine the appropriate trade and finally, connect the whole to the market for a “realistic” orientation. At the moment there are initiatives on one or two of these connections.

Impala, the application that helps you find the job of your dreams begins with a test with 10 skills (which I know how to do or would like to learn), which allows you to illuminate the cloud of skill Match. In one click, from the name of the job one passes to the description, and another click to the formations that make it possible to access it. It only remains to connect a chatbot that answers the complementary questions!


“The tree of possibilities” and the “galaxy of the trades” of Pixis

With the start-up Pixis, the ambition is not only to orientate towards professions that interest, but also to those who will be carrying in the years to come. For this purpose, Pixis is studying the labor market to identify the professions that fall within the UN’s 17 sustainable development objectives.

The application of Pixis will allow to present a diversity of trades of the future and the variety of ways to access it, to analyze the personality and the interests to make specific recommendations and to put in contact with professionals to exchange About their trajectories and coaches specialized in guidance .

The start-up has therefore integrated the “Sustainable Development Solutions Network” which aims to mobilize and connect people who propose innovative solutions to achieve the objectives. From here, you can access a lot of business cards. In the future, Pixis will also have a “tree of possibilities”. That is, the start-up will have studied the “typical” paths taken by professionals to reach the position they occupy, and all this thanks to the analysis of thousands of CVs.


The connexion of supply and demand

The star-up Riminder, meanwhile, aims to realize the orientation by meeting the supply and demand of employment. The recruitment market experiencing a hyper evolution the big data by these 4 key functions (collect, standardize, store and restore) will allow a massive and agile adaptation at a time.

Connected to guidance applications such as Impala or Pixis, we can imagine the complete chain … from the dream job to the realization of the project !

The FAIR, the Artificial Intelligence for Facebook

I had the chance to attend a presentation of the FAIR (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research) at Facebook France and a trial of Oculus the latest purchase of Facebook in virtual reality. An impressive dive into the Facebook of tomorrow. Created by a French engineer Yann Lecun, the FAIR, based in NYC, Menlopark and Paris relies on its 80 people a third engineer. It is one of the 3 pillars of Facebook’s business plan: Connectivity, Artificial Intelligence and Oculus for Virtual Reality.


According to Facebook, artificial intelligence is a system capable of perceiving environments and reasoning from an event. All this is implemented by language (chatbots), vision (camera and machines capable of identifying objects) and Planning (strategic development and tasks). In fact the basic technology dates back to the 80s but today the algorithms apply in a massive way (millions of Facebook users) and to any context (each Facebook post). The future of Artificial Intelligence for Facebook is to use Starcraft to develop algorithms in changing situations and contexts.


As for Oculus, the start up of Palmer Luckey bought 2 million dollars by Marc Zuckenberg is a pure marvel of escape. The virtual reality helmet allows you to direct the movements and fly on magical landscapes, and play, activating the eyes, reserving the hands for the throttle. No wonder this Oculus is one of the 3 pillars of Facebook development!


Will chatbots and artificial intelligence kill trainers ?

Do we still need trainers? With the emergence of e-learning, Mooc, Cooc and other Spooc, and with the arrival of artificial intelligence that will open new possibilities even more effective? Contraction of “chat” and “robot”, a “chatbot” is a computer program able to dialogue with its user… So to speak that the trainer will be able to dialogue with his trainer everywhere, at any time and In an increasingly personalized exchange.

What becomes of the trainer? Already questioned by learners about the knowledge part, what may be its added value now? What is its future in the face of the GAFAM assault on artificial intelligence?

The trainer’s profession: a total challenge

Would the trade of trainer be part of the trades destined to disappear with the arrival of digital? The profession of teacher, in the broad sense, teacher, teacher … is already largely questioned by learners. Those considered “knowledgeable” see their “knowledge” challenged by the mass of knowledge available on the internet.

In one click all the knowledge of the world is accessible to everyone, without filter, in an exhaustive and easily accessible way although pedagogical content has the advantage of being targeted, the constraints of the face-to-face, with the consequent cost of diary adjustment, absence at the workplace and transport are not always a criterion Compensates for this extra cost neither from the point of view of the company nor

Artificial intelligence: indisputable advantages for training

This question, launched at the emergence of e-learning, is refreshed today by the massive use of this type of training and the arrival of artificial intelligence with its chatbots in HR (*). With a “13% increase in the e-learning market” planned for 2017 and a real use, if one refers to the “77% of American companies that offers it to their employees” (**) Distance education is today a reality that is no longer discussed.

Artificial intelligence promises to bring even more performance to more than one title: financially, pedagogically for its playfulness and the possibilities of personalization. Let’s focus on personalization which is one of the major assets rendered by the AI ​​to the trained; He will have the opportunity to “personalize his trainer” (choice of genre, voice, physical appearance, pedagogical style …) thanks to “humanoid robots”.

It will benefit from a “personalization of the contents” by the follow-up of the cookies and the analysis of the “big data” that offers “automatically” the course of the trained internet; At the end of the course he will benefit from a “personalization of the next trainings” according to his results because the machine knows how to evaluate in “live” and he will find all his trainings on “a personalized platform” that will follow him throughout his life …

AI, a trainer partner for a new “learning experience”

But where is the human in all this? The question of the added value of the human relationship is undoubtedly the question posed today. The arrival of the AI ​​can in fact be an opportunity for the professions, all of them, to question themselves: seek to identify what the machine will be able to alleviate the current loads, imagine what it must devote its added value.

Creating (***) a new learning experience, richer, more entertaining, more learning, is the challenge for trainers today and tomorrow. And there is no time to lose… Because we are already announcing the next wave that will revolutionize training and human development in general, that of “artificial empathy”.

What to expect in 2017?

What is new in technology 2017? What emerges from the analysis of the Grand Las Vegas Show and the builder information that flourished at the beginning of the year is: a generalization of voice recognition, the arrival of flexible screens and faster communication technologies like Bluetooth 5.0, twice as fast and a range four times greater than the current process.

A quoi s’attendre en 2017-1

Side Smartphone, the Iphone goes (already!) celebrating its 10 years this year and Apple will mark the event by the release of an IPhone 8 in the spring. According to some noises it would be equipped with Oled screen more contrasted than previous generations and undoubtedly curved on the sides like the Galaxy Edge. To save space all borders would be eliminated and the home button, front camera and fingerprint sensor would be directly on the screen. Apple could take the opportunity to add facial or retinal recognition to its Smartphone. Like the Apple Watch, the Iphone8 would recharge by induction.

Samsung who is recovering hard from the Galaxy Note 7 that he finally had to withdraw from the sale is preparing his return with a new version of his smartphone starring the Galaxy S. There would be a 5-inch model and another 6-inch; The large model would benefit from a Quad HD screen that would improve especially the image quality with a virtual reality headset and probably stereo speakers signed Harman, recently bought by Samsung. Another important novelty, the Galaxy S 8 would be able like Windows mobile to transform itself into desktop PC by linking a keyboard and a screen.

A quoi s’attendre en 2017-2

The voice assistant would be the star of 2017. Popularized by Siri on the Iphone and Google Now on the Android smartphone, the voice assistant invites itself in an increasing quantity of everyday objects: earpiece at Sony, televisions at Samsung, Computers and Apple TV box at Apple, etc … In 2017 one can install in the living room a multipurpose terminal serving as both a Bluetooth speaker and a connected butler. The products that emerge from this category are Echo from Amazon and Home Google … in 2017 the dream of ordering music, lighting without moving its sofa will become accessible to everyone!

Disruptive Innovation, a theory of confusion ?

Disruptive Innovation, a theory of confusion? What is “disruptive” is not necessarily “disruptive innovation”.

Twenty years after the introduction of the theory of disruptive innovation (or breakthrough innovation), Clayton Christensen, who originated it, revisits this theory through analyzes of its applications in the “Harvard Business Review Of January 2017.

Now somewhat mainstream, the disruption has sometimes become a fashion effect, a grail for any innovator, find the” killer app” is a sort of paradoxical injunction in big companies, who dream of it while limiting disruptive ideas that disturb Organization and established processes.

Christensen therefore returns to the abuses of interpretation of disruptive innovation. The example of Uber is masterfully described “Uber a Disruptive Business? “.

Recalling how this company, which has grown tremendously by operating in more than 60 countries and having carried out a fund raising that valorizes the company to 50 billion, is a success that has revolutionized the business of taxis.

“But has it caused a breakdown in this sector? According to the theory, the answer is no”. Uber’s financial and strategic success is not enough to qualify his innovation approach as a break even though the term is almost systematically applied to it.

L’Innovation disruptive HBR

Christensen justifies in two arguments the reason why Uber is wrongly classified among the examples, yet successful, of disruptive innovation.

The first reason is that “innovation breaks down in low-end markets or in new markets.” Neither of them corresponds to Uber’s case.

Uber has certainly helped to increase the volume of demand but the company has built its position first on the traditional market to then attract the segments historically neglected.

The second reason is that “innovation breaks have no hold on the traditional clientele as long as the quality is not up to the standards of this category”.

But most of the components of Uber’s strategy seem to be supporting innovations. Uber’s quality of service is rarely described as inferior to that of existing taxis, many even agree that it is superior. Moreover, the services are reliable and punctual, prices equal or lower than those of the traditional companies.

In the end one can ask the interest to know if Uber is disruptive or not? The fact that the appearance of Uber has sown trouble in the taxis market has a disruptive effect but that doesn’t constitute in itself a disruptive innovation nevertheless.

The unavoidable rules of disruption theory according to Christensen are 4:

1) the disruption is a process

2) the business models of the “disrupters” are often very different from those of established societies

3) certain innovations of rupture Are successful and others not and finally

4) “the mantra” create the break or suffer the may be bad advice “.

Obviously the importance of determining whether one is in disruption or not intervenes on the strategic mode of piloting and on the type of strategic choice between “driving support” and “driving disruptive”.

A bon entendeur salut!

With the “chatbot” or “bots”, artificial intelligence enters HR

Contraction of “chat” and “robot”, a “chatbot” is a computer program capable of dialogue with its user.

Marketing has quickly realized the opportunity that is a chatbot to converse with customers and take advantage of this conversation to increase sales. HR departments are beginning to discover this new form of intelligence in their relationship with employees.

Births bots: Turing, Eliza and Big Data

To find the cheapest pulsed response in a database, sculpin analysis of keywords, phrases formulations … One of the first machines to converse was invented by Alan Turing in the 1950s by asking subjects to differentiate between blind a conversation with a computer and another person.

And then there was the ELIZA machine developed in the 1960s by MIT. The aim was to simulate the responses of a therapist during an intimate conversation; addiction sick these conversations has demonstrated the impact.

The flood of big data, semantic data and related content, just facilitate the development of bots at all levels of the company.

The pioneering marketing: the conversion success rate to 50%

Today with its 900 million users on Messenger, Facebook is certainly a player major but not the only one to put the bot to date. Microsoft also announced its bots platform for Skype. Google would also train on the floor about to deliver a more relevant solution for Now.

Source of innovation “radical” bots are considered successful for Pizza Hut, American brand specializing in the sale of pizza to take out or delivery. The promise : “Order pizza in 3 clicks”; simply place an order on Facebook or Twitter directly from the email application to be served.

Innovative successful bet as the sign that announces “conversion rate commands to 50%, and re-order 40%.

Bots for HR: 87% response rate of just

Large groups such as Axa, Groupama, Caisse des Dépôts already use bots to respond instantaneously, daily, 24 hours 24 questions on the works committee, annual maintenance, paid leave or the collective agreement. ” With a rate of “right response” to 87%, bots should free up time to discuss more in-depth development and career development

IMT, Sorbonne’s Master in Innovation … A Master that boosts young innovators

sylvie-imt-sorbonne-etudiantsI am very pleased to have been addressing the Management of Innovation in the LMI Master 2 (Innovation and Technology Management) for 3 years now. True to the academic openness, it is a master open to all forms of innovation and allows students to conduct research and to track innovation projects while following the course.


Students are not only from multicultural origins (half of students come from around the world) with a boy/girl parity but also by the original curriculum (engineers, lawyers, management …).

The networking, so essential for innovation today is being implemented for the organization of annual TEDx on the themes of innovation.


I love that diversity which creates a rich dynamic of curiosity and thirst for disruption that combines theory and professional testimonials and initiatives as an annual TEDx on innovation.

Passion for endearing is the innovation of these students … passion that I share with them and probably why they named me promotional sponsor for the 2nd consecutive year!


I am also pleased to note that 100% of students find a job within 3 months with an average salary of 37500E / month … The result of the winning combination between Sorbonne’s trademark “tradition” and “innovation”!