Entries by sylvie

Empathy to innovate

Among the soft skills recognized as indispensable for innovation is empathy. Like Jeremy Rifkin who erects it in “cure for a world in crisis” with its “civilization of empathy”, this soft skill is advocated as the central method of “design … Suite…

Design Thinking, to innovate and transform too!

Design Thinking, this well-known method of the world of innovation is perfectly applicable to the problems of organization and operation. Transposed from innovation for products and services to cases of internal transformation, Design Thinking is a formidable efficiency: by putting


Soft Skills for Innovation

Why developing “soft skills” is essential to drive innovation and transformation?

Innovation is often considered as essentially technical and the recognized skills to innovate would therefore be rather “hard” Now, even if disruption is technological, it brings about profound changes


The TOTAL INNO.BUS is back!

Bolstered by its popular 2017 tour, the INNO.BUS is back again this year, ready to set off on an 8,000-kilometer journey to visit 15 Total Refining & Chemicals industrial facilities, from September 29 to October 19.

The aim is Suite…