Knowledge-Innovation, the innovation attitude to adapt to the changing world

I am pleased to announce the release of my 1st book “Knowledge-Innovation, the innovation attitude to adapt to the changing world”, published by @Editions l’Harmattan and available now in bookstores (Fnac, Cultura , Decitre…) in paper and digital versions but only in french for the moment.

The contrast between the optimism of innovators and the generalized defeatism in the face of a changing world has always fascinated me. In #Innovation, there is a magical power of transformation. Inspired, visionary, lucid, innovators have this incredible ability to find solutions in adversity, to bounce back, to know how to seize opportunities in the midst of chaos, to draw from themselves the resources necessary to surpass themselves and “ change the world ” …


The result of 3 years of work, this book was imagined as a bridge between 2 worlds that are dear to me:

  • the world of Innovation and
  •  the world of Coaching.

2 worlds that generally work in parallel while there are many bridges between the two… and a common objective, that of #transformation, of the world through innovation and of man through coaching.

During this extraordinary experience that was the writing of this book, I was able to count on the unfailing support and the precious advice of many contributors whom I thank and in particular of the one whom I consider to be my “mentor”, Pascal Viginier, Honorary President of the Academy of Technologies, who agreed to sign the preface. @Michel Giffard, Founder of the HEC Paris Coaching School and one of the pioneers of coaching in France since the 1990s, also made me the friend of being my post-faceur. Throughout the pages, you will also come across inspiring personalities, innovators with talent and heart, who have enthusiastically acceptedto take part in this project and pass on their experience of know-how to innovate:@Marc Giget, @Thomas Pesquet @Sidney Rostan @Claude Brousseau PGA Master @Sylvie Borzakian @David Bordessoules @Frederic Caillaud @Helene Campourcy @Jacky Z. Chang @Sophie Troussard @Jean-Marc FONTAINE @Patrick Peureux @Jean-Charles Pierre GUILLET @ Sylvain Clemendot @Julie Levy @Albert Meige Arnaud Donckele @Clara Berruyer @Vincent Crosville @Morgane Depoorter @Laurent Dassault @Laure Bomo @christophelienard @fabricemezieres @jean-yvesleonnec @laurenerichard @francoiseengrand Finally, thank you to my editor and his team for the trust granted.To all those who wish to take part in building a new, better world, learn how to mobilize cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence… Business leaders, innovation professionals (innovation director, marketing director, digital director, IT director, etc.) , HRDs, support professionals, trainers, coaches, consultants specializing in personal development or, quite simply, potential readers wishing to progress personally, in times of transition or resilience, enjoy your journey to the heart of the best of innovation!