Coaching for social engagement.
We start with a committed EXCOM!
Social commitment is essential today for all companies. Whether environmental or social, collective awareness is accelerating with the succession of crises we face: climatic with storms, social on pensions, health with coronavirus … All companies are looking to integrate these values into their “Being Mission Chartt”. However, if the new generations are waiting for innovations on the subject, the leaders are not always comfortable with what represents this societal commitment.
Coaching, which is in essence a process of responsibility and creativity, will help identify and express values and especially their embodiment through behavior. This exemplarity must begin with EXCOM. For this, the coaching program must be broken down into three levels: individual, team and organization.
Coaching to foster responsibility and creativity
The definition of Michel Giffard Director HEC Executive Coaching, and co-author with Celine Geara Thomas of « Global coaching for the whole being » is sufficient in itself to express in what way coaching is ideal to support a transformation towards societal engagement. It involves “supporting a person, a team or an organization, so that it mobilizes the resources at its disposal to find for itself its own answers to the questions it is asking itself or the issues it encounters. ” Coaching not only mobilizes responsibility and creativity but it is a medium-term investment which corresponds to the cycles of CSR actions.
Individual coaching for committed leaders
To be credible, Social Commitment must be embodied in the behavior of visible leaders, which are the members of EXCOM. Individually, each member must adapts his behavioral frame of reference to the values identified collectively.
Coaching through a process of deep analysis will allow the leader to become aware of his own values and any differences with those of the company. Work will be carried out on itself, with the coach who will send his image back to him like a mirror. This work will allow him to identify and put into action his own congruence as well as the conditions to create the trust of each member of EXCOM with his teams.
Collective coaching for committed management teams
At the team level, collective coaching will allow them to fully take ownership of the values, to apply them to themselves in order to apply them to the whole company. These values, according to the companies, if they do not fall “top down” from the head office, can be co-constructed by the teams in a “bottom up” dynamic. Coaching can play its role in facilitating expression and creativity. By freeing up speech, we engage in “deconstruction” to better “rebuild” together afterwards.
Systemic coaching for a responsible organization
The multiple actors involved in societal transformation must be connected and considered as stakeholders in the dynamics of change. Organizational coaching can contribute to this “empowerment” through leaders who are themselves committed and a network with all the teams. Through coaching, responsible leaders will be able to follow the advice of Steve Jobs “Follow your intuition and your heart. They alone know what is good for you and for the world ”.
We start with a committed EXCOM!