2014-2019: 5 years of Innovation Chronicle in the DRH & M Review, advocacy for the dimension of relationship and human resources of innovation

Innovation is also about relationships and human resources!

5 years of “Innovation” column RH & M

At the time when a 2nd Boeing crashed in less than 6 months and for the same (incredible!) announced reason “cancellation of training of pilots to new types of order for cost reasons” (Reuters 03-10-19), I was publishing a review of my 5 years of columns on the human dimension of innovation, a plea on the need to involve HR in innovation!

These Boeings were new and, apparently, given the recent controls, technically functional! Engineers, project managers and financial decision makers have just neglected that innovation is as human and that performance includes training of pilots as well as ultra-sophisticated embedded technologies!

Innovation managers and HR managers also conquer this leadership to win the war of soft skills in innovation!

  1. The human dimension of innovation: culture and management of innovation

Since my first post in January 2014 “DRH dare innovation! I am constantly encouraging HRDs to develop their innovation culture so that they can become the “credible” interlocutors of DGs, innovation managers and other innovation professionals. “Creativity“, “multiple intelligences”, “psychological types“, “conflict management” … so many soft skills tickets for the role of innovation facilitator of HRD innovation!

  1. The technological impact: innovation and digital transformation

The Digital and the VUCA world that it accelerates perfectly illustrates the human revolution that the HRD will have to lead; from my second post “What talents for innovation in the digital enterprise? Then “what organization for the digital? »Address crucial topics that the HRD needs to know how to answer. I also launch alerts on some trades targeted by destructive innovation “AI and chatbots will they kill trainers? “. At the same time I also like to bring these moments of blue ocean when the Digital will facilitate the HR mission: «Big data? Long live smart data for HRD “” how AI and Chatbots will revolutionize the world of recruitment “.

  1. The new HRD leadership: “creating smart connections”

Just as innovators must know how to integrate communication to sell their project, HRDs must be inspired by the innovation culture to value their actions and especially by the buzz of communities and networks and connections. “Innovation and communication a business of connections”. This connection applies to the men and the cultural representations of the company “Culture innovation between legacy and Digital the HR manager of the past and the future“. In a nutshell, “HR” could evolve from “Resources” to “Human Relations” as described in “Cooperation forces the HRD to become Director of Human Relations”

  1. Towards the creation of an HR Innovation function

Finally, to guarantee this new leadership as a “crazy guard” to the driftiness of HR managers who, like innovation, suffer from “the 5 most enduring ideas about innovation“, my conviction is that at first, as was the case case with international management in the transition to a global world where the international is integrated, innovation should be a function in itself  “5 good reasons to create an HR Innovation function