The world of digital marketing in trouble: advertisers supplanted by technologists!

Digital is today the stake of all companies. Who says stake says strategy of survival by the growth but also stake of power in the organizations. Since the last decade, I have been watching the games of actors, of which I was part of Orange, directing the innovation communication of the operator and then at L’Oréal by creating the digital transformation position of Research and Innovation … and today by intervening in the innovation and digital transformation programs of my clients: Total, BNP Paribas, CNP Insurance, Caisse des Dépôts …

The digital function is problematic everywhere: a hybrid function that requires technical knowledge and uses while mastering the art of transformation

We see this function evolve from the IT department for which it is not a question of selling network architectures, hard, by soft skills towards the directions of the innovation or the HR if the stake is taken into account rather under the human angle and cultural change.

The trend in very large companies is to create the position of CDO, Chief Digital Officer, directly attached to the president or CEO. As a result, digital marketing is becoming a new field of ambition between CDOs, IT and marketing, just like the agency market that is reconfiguring itself.

The agencies have a good time, the need for technological expertise prevails. Thus Accenture Interactive shakes the giants of communication as “WPP”,” Omnicom” or “Publicis”. In an interview with Echos Arthur Sadoun said “Accenture is a competitor more real than Google or Facebook.”

monde marketing digital emoi

Crédit Infographie Le Figaro

In 5 years Accenture, the American technology giant is one of the world leaders in digital marketing thanks to Accenture Interactive. Since 2012 it has increased from 0 to 6 billion euros of EC. This branch became the driving force of the group. As the analysis Pierre Nanterme CEO “Based on our technological expertise, we have expanded our offer to digital marketing and customer experience to become a key player with marketing managers.”

Next step ? the absorption of WPP or Publicis? pending the American giant takes care to target its recruitments to the advertising competitors (WPP, Omnicom, Publicis …) and reinforcement by additional purchases (still 1Billion declared) to strengthen the digital branch in marketing and communication expertise.

Creativity, a key element for every step of transformation

creativite cle etape transformation

Creativity in all its forms

3 complementary conferences for a complete and practical training of creativity

“I have no talent but passionate curiosity.” With modesty Albert Einstein gives to understand that creativity is a game for him, a way of being. And it is true that the creative person is by passion but today for the companies creativity has become a skill, a must of the know-being … any manager must be able to carry out a transformation and thus resort to the creative potential of its teams for their adaptation. The HR manager and the manager must answer these 3 questions about creativity: “Innovation is a key competence today but how to make it accessible to all? “” Innovator profile: how to identify innovation preferences and how to operate the different profiles together? “Creativity can help solve problems: how to do it? 3 formations

1st session: Understanding creativity to adopt it and want to develop its creative potential

Formerly a domain reserved for innovation professionals, creativity has entered the company through invention to R & D and brainstorming for new products and advertising to marketing. Like Steve jobs, for whom “innovation is a burning passion”, today, innovation has become a skill that every employee must develop to improve his or her know-how and contribution to the performance of the company.

To be creative is a proof of agility, commitment, initiative … so many attitudes that may be natural for some but very unusual for others. For the former it is a flexible and friendly environment that will allow them to release in confidence the creativity they naturally have in them; for the others, it will be necessary to develop this aptitude by formations that listen attentively, to let go … and allow them to apply their favorite role at the stage of the process of innovation best suited.

2nd Session: Identify your innovator profile to identify your creative preferences and complement your development program

Different tools allow to highlight the preferences of each one. The MBTI, which through “sensation-intuition” and “judgment-perception” dichotomies to identify the profiles of innovators. For information Steve Jobs and Bill Gates would be ENTJ !.

The Foursights © method developed by Gérard Puccio of the Buffalo School where the “Brainstorming” allows to identify 4 large profiles whose ideator that characterizes the more naturally creative. Who passes this simple test in a few minutes, if he favors rather the stage of analysis of the problem, a “clarifier”, the production phase of ideas a “Ideator”; the search for a “solution”, a “developer” or the transition to “action” a “Director”.

It is also possible to combine these different preferences and the ideal is to achieve the 4 to be a complete innovator!

3rd session: Knowing how to diverge and converge to solve problems through creativity

The Creative Problem Solving (SPC) method (*) that clarifies the problem , to find ideas and to apply solutions for action, uses during these 4 stages a phase of divergence or creativity has its place and a phase of convergence to decide ideas and solutions. This alternation between “I scan solutions” and “I focus for action”

Benefit from analytical and synthesis skills where everyone can find their place. So with the creativity that makes it possible to find solutions “any problem becomes a opportunity “.

The Inno.Bus goes for industrial innovation at Total

The Inno.Bus, which was inaugurated by Bernard Pinatel, the Director of the Refining-Chemicals branch of Total on October 9th, is in the process of going over the next 3,000 kilometers linking 11 French and Belgian sites. Each stage is an opportunity to share with the employees of refineries and petrochemical sites the Group’s business innovations.

For the Innovation Mission of Total’s Refining and Chemicals division, which is carrying this project during the innovation celebration of the Innodays group, the objective is to reinforce its dynamics of industrial innovation even if it already counts more 17 innovation challenges in one year, and 30,000 connections to the participative platform dedicated to employees’ ideas. The Innovation Awards, which are awarded each year for projects to improve the performance of the facilities on the basis of proposals from employees of the Branch, will be presented on the Bus.


The Inno.Bus goes for industrial innovation at Total

The Inno.Bus, which was inaugurated by Bernard Pinatel, the Director of the Refining-Chemicals branch on October 9th, is in the process of going over the next 3,000 kilometers linking 11 French and Belgian sites. Each stage is an opportunity to share with the employees of refineries and petrochemical sites the Group’s business innovations.

For the Innovation Mission of Total’s Refining and Chemicals division, which is carrying this project during the innovation celebration of the Innodays group, the objective is to reinforce its dynamics of industrial innovation even if it already counts more 17 innovation challenges in one year, and 30,000 connections to the participative platform dedicated to employees’ ideas. The Innovation Awards, which are awarded each year for projects to improve the performance of the facilities on the basis of proposals from employees of the Branch, will be presented on the Bus.

Innovations for the Factory 4.0 to be discovered in Inno.bus:

The prospective vision of the industrial professions of tomorrow, scripted in the film “L’Usine 4.0” is concretized by demos of concrete innovations such as:

Increased operator apps that improve the working conditions and performance of operators such as the assistant inspection tours or the monitoring of valves

The “trouble shooting room”: a real-time remote assistance room to resolve incidents, instead of waiting for an expert to come and the result of his analysis of the data a posteriori if incident on a machine.

The vision in images of the Factory 4.0 or Future factory, imagined by Total’s businesses

Visiting the Antwerp refinery in virtual reality with 3D glasses, to participate in games on the culture of innovation and developing creativity


A creative and friendly spirit : Innovation Mantras and a Foodtruck

The bus is completely covered with silhouettes in the habit of operators to remind the craft and innovation mantras that play the paradoxes of any industrial innovation at the initials of the Refining Chimie (R & C): Reinvent & Build, Watch & Create, Redefine & To conquer.

innovation total