Dyson, sales jump 45% through innovation… Next step : Artificial Intelligence
For everyone, the brand “Dyson” is associated with “bagless vacuum cleaner” … which was already a beautiful breakthrough innovation! After the LED luminaires in 2015, with the integration of the company of Jake Dyson, the son of the founder James Dyson, the group added two categories last year: hair dryers and air purifiers. With these innovations sales jumped 45% and profits 41%!
An interesting innovation story to analyze
Founder James Dyson explains : “We do not have a logical business plan. We just want to develop technologies and integrate them into the right product. “. This technological integration capability with agility is the strength of the group… detecting a new technology, depositing it and applying it in a product that remains in Dyson’s core business, i.e. the household appliance.
For the future, the 3,500 engineers will be more than a third of the workforce (9000p) will not complain about the latest statements of the founder: “We will still do more research, especially on software integration and intelligence Artificial “. It is important to point out that even though he left the operational management he kept his hand on the researchers.
“My ideal would be that our products become completely autonomous” … a dream that is very likely to become a reality soon enough if we judge Dyson’s ability to integrate technology!
How will artificial intelligence revolutionize the world of guidance?
When one knows that “in 20 years 60% of the trades are brought to disappear”, pushed to the rank of antiquities by the digital wave, the question of the often already difficult orientation (“what profession will I do? ‘Reinforced by( is the job I want to do part of those who will disappear? ‘). But the digital wave is also creative innovation and artificial intelligence should help the choices by revolutionizing, with positive effects, academic and professional guidance. Analysis through 3 start-ups.
Impala’s boost to data
It is obviously data processing which is the core of the artificial intelligence orientation devices: to connect the data concerning the person to be oriented (his preferences, his tastes, his skills), at the basis of all the possible professions by making a Link to determine the appropriate trade and finally, connect the whole to the market for a “realistic” orientation. At the moment there are initiatives on one or two of these connections.
Impala, the application that helps you find the job of your dreams begins with a test with 10 skills (which I know how to do or would like to learn), which allows you to illuminate the cloud of skill Match. In one click, from the name of the job one passes to the description, and another click to the formations that make it possible to access it. It only remains to connect a chatbot that answers the complementary questions!
“The tree of possibilities” and the “galaxy of the trades” of Pixis
With the start-up Pixis, the ambition is not only to orientate towards professions that interest, but also to those who will be carrying in the years to come. For this purpose, Pixis is studying the labor market to identify the professions that fall within the UN’s 17 sustainable development objectives.
The application of Pixis will allow to present a diversity of trades of the future and the variety of ways to access it, to analyze the personality and the interests to make specific recommendations and to put in contact with professionals to exchange About their trajectories and coaches specialized in guidance .
The start-up has therefore integrated the “Sustainable Development Solutions Network” which aims to mobilize and connect people who propose innovative solutions to achieve the objectives. From here, you can access a lot of business cards. In the future, Pixis will also have a “tree of possibilities”. That is, the start-up will have studied the “typical” paths taken by professionals to reach the position they occupy, and all this thanks to the analysis of thousands of CVs.
The connexion of supply and demand
The star-up Riminder, meanwhile, aims to realize the orientation by meeting the supply and demand of employment. The recruitment market experiencing a hyper evolution the big data by these 4 key functions (collect, standardize, store and restore) will allow a massive and agile adaptation at a time.
Connected to guidance applications such as Impala or Pixis, we can imagine the complete chain … from the dream job to the realization of the project !