Will chatbots and artificial intelligence kill trainers ?
Do we still need trainers? With the emergence of e-learning, Mooc, Cooc and other Spooc, and with the arrival of artificial intelligence that will open new possibilities even more effective? Contraction of “chat” and “robot”, a “chatbot” is a computer program able to dialogue with its user… So to speak that the trainer will be able to dialogue with his trainer everywhere, at any time and In an increasingly personalized exchange.
What becomes of the trainer? Already questioned by learners about the knowledge part, what may be its added value now? What is its future in the face of the GAFAM assault on artificial intelligence?
The trainer’s profession: a total challenge
Would the trade of trainer be part of the trades destined to disappear with the arrival of digital? The profession of teacher, in the broad sense, teacher, teacher … is already largely questioned by learners. Those considered “knowledgeable” see their “knowledge” challenged by the mass of knowledge available on the internet.
In one click all the knowledge of the world is accessible to everyone, without filter, in an exhaustive and easily accessible way although pedagogical content has the advantage of being targeted, the constraints of the face-to-face, with the consequent cost of diary adjustment, absence at the workplace and transport are not always a criterion Compensates for this extra cost neither from the point of view of the company nor
Artificial intelligence: indisputable advantages for training
This question, launched at the emergence of e-learning, is refreshed today by the massive use of this type of training and the arrival of artificial intelligence with its chatbots in HR (*). With a “13% increase in the e-learning market” planned for 2017 and a real use, if one refers to the “77% of American companies that offers it to their employees” (**) Distance education is today a reality that is no longer discussed.
Artificial intelligence promises to bring even more performance to more than one title: financially, pedagogically for its playfulness and the possibilities of personalization. Let’s focus on personalization which is one of the major assets rendered by the AI to the trained; He will have the opportunity to “personalize his trainer” (choice of genre, voice, physical appearance, pedagogical style …) thanks to “humanoid robots”.
It will benefit from a “personalization of the contents” by the follow-up of the cookies and the analysis of the “big data” that offers “automatically” the course of the trained internet; At the end of the course he will benefit from a “personalization of the next trainings” according to his results because the machine knows how to evaluate in “live” and he will find all his trainings on “a personalized platform” that will follow him throughout his life …
AI, a trainer partner for a new “learning experience”
But where is the human in all this? The question of the added value of the human relationship is undoubtedly the question posed today. The arrival of the AI can in fact be an opportunity for the professions, all of them, to question themselves: seek to identify what the machine will be able to alleviate the current loads, imagine what it must devote its added value.
Creating (***) a new learning experience, richer, more entertaining, more learning, is the challenge for trainers today and tomorrow. And there is no time to lose… Because we are already announcing the next wave that will revolutionize training and human development in general, that of “artificial empathy”.