With the “chatbot” or “bots”, artificial intelligence enters HR

Contraction of “chat” and “robot”, a “chatbot” is a computer program capable of dialogue with its user.

Marketing has quickly realized the opportunity that is a chatbot to converse with customers and take advantage of this conversation to increase sales. HR departments are beginning to discover this new form of intelligence in their relationship with employees.

Births bots: Turing, Eliza and Big Data

To find the cheapest pulsed response in a database, sculpin analysis of keywords, phrases formulations … One of the first machines to converse was invented by Alan Turing in the 1950s by asking subjects to differentiate between blind a conversation with a computer and another person.

And then there was the ELIZA machine developed in the 1960s by MIT. The aim was to simulate the responses of a therapist during an intimate conversation; addiction sick these conversations has demonstrated the impact.

The flood of big data, semantic data and related content, just facilitate the development of bots at all levels of the company.

The pioneering marketing: the conversion success rate to 50%

Today with its 900 million users on Messenger, Facebook is certainly a player major but not the only one to put the bot to date. Microsoft also announced its bots platform for Skype. Google would also train on the floor about to deliver a more relevant solution for Now.

Source of innovation “radical” bots are considered successful for Pizza Hut, American brand specializing in the sale of pizza to take out or delivery. The promise : “Order pizza in 3 clicks”; simply place an order on Facebook or Twitter directly from the email application to be served.

Innovative successful bet as the sign that announces “conversion rate commands to 50%, and re-order 40%.

Bots for HR: 87% response rate of just

Large groups such as Axa, Groupama, Caisse des Dépôts already use bots to respond instantaneously, daily, 24 hours 24 questions on the works committee, annual maintenance, paid leave or the collective agreement. ” With a rate of “right response” to 87%, bots should free up time to discuss more in-depth development and career development