With the Artificial Intelligence (AI), the decline in new frontiers …

Dramatic advances in artificial intelligence in recent years has something to let us dream and it is a theme that has asked me to address in my lectures. I offer you a brief overview.

With the AI ​​we enter the world of “machine to machine“, ie where the machines are able to think without human intervention and even today in the light of what was thought exclusively human emotions.

This progress has been made thanks to 3 concomitant phenomena:
-the development of “machine learning” ie automate tasks between 2 machines that can recognize images but also to make decisions without human intervention.
-The management of “big data” (in zettabytes today) to configure the machines and to detect the appropriate actions with great precision thanks to the variety and velocity of data
– The appearance of the “cloud” and its development in order to store, secure and process these volumes never achieved until now.

intelligence artificielle go sud coreen
And we can also add the masters now in the couple “Man Machine” from “cognitive robotics” ie allowing a machine to learn by observing a man, like a trainee or a newcomer in a company during its integration course!
This learning capacity brings the risk of the master of overtaking!

It is only mentioned that Google has succeeded in acquiring the English start-up has Deepmind allow the machine to beat for the first time in a human game of Go, the world champion South Korean.

And if we imagine all industrial applications and services in all sectors we also foresees the computing power that could surpass that of man and make it useless. Hence reflection on jobs that will disappear or be radically transformed: all areas of knowledge jobs will be impacted, for example, doctors, lawyers, notaries … the function of “knowing” will confirm a diagnosis and an indication or automatically a written contract …

The Intelligence Artificial actually puts into perspective the man in his place in the world, in its relation to physical (eternal life?) And philosophical (man doer or thinker man?). And some futurists and philosophers announce the dreadful effects as if the machine has an intelligence that dominates that of man what will prevent it from destroying man? it would be the reign of the “singularity” … but to stay optimistic I believe that man will find ways to resist this type of programmed destruction thanks to its creativity, adaptability … in a word, his sense of “innovation “.

In the secret Labs … human skin manufactured by printer

This is an exciting series of innovation “In the secrets of the labs” that publishes the “Summer of Figaro.” The edition of July 21 is devoted to the manufacture of human skin by a start-up Bordeaux is in the spotlight: Poeietis

Led by Fabien Guillemot, PhD in Materials Science, Inserm researcher who launched 2 years ago in entrepreneurship, this start-up has developed a “3D bio-printer” that can print 1cm2 skin in 10 minutes! Although there are other 3D bio-printersin the world, that one achieves this exceptional output thanks to a “laser” technology to deposit the material where others use needles or ink jets. The jet that forms drops on the medium with a precision of the order of 20 microns of the size of a cell.

Then it takes a little patience … for about 3 weeks to get a “workable skin” “composed of dermis and epidermis” and that can “react” to conduct different types of experiences of pharmaceutical or cosmetic .

A windfall that this invention when it is known that France is the largest country in terms of R & D in the field of cosmetics! And investors are not mistaken … the last fundraiser of the start-up was 2.5 millions of euros ! leaving him two years of financial visibility.

secret labos peau humaine imprimante

And entrepreneur became the researcher but by expressing regret as criticism for contributing to the progress “I find it unfortunate that the scientific and technological risk-taking should not be more encouraged. Today researchers and project selection evaluation process for funding lead to the opposite effect: the support goes mostly to projects that do not come out of the box. After starting the project in 2006, we had to wait 4 years before publishing the first results on the bio-laser printing. Ambitious projects require resources, but also time. We must accept and French research, the status of researchers and quality, has a competitive advantage that is insufficiently exploited today. “