EGGS :the4 megatrends changing theHR paradigm

During the conference on the »transformation of companies and organisation :its impact on HR ,its mission and organisation « which took place on the 22 of May at Mederic (Paris) and which was hosted by Guillaume Sarkozy and organized by the news group RH-M ,I spoke about the « Paradoxes  of time » about which you’ll find extracts over the next few days.


This conference was introduced by Jean-Michel Caye representative of the Boston Consulting Group  ,presenting the results of a survey (non published yet) « How to address HR challenge worldwide trough 2015. »  To survey the worldwide challenges ,the BCG interviewed more than 4700 executives over 80 countries and markets .The conclusion is that 4 megatrends drive the change in theHR paradigm ,valid in all countries ,summed up by the acronym EGGS.

E for EGO Employees behavior has become more and more individualistic ; it can be seen notably by work life expectations ,employee disengagement and resource versatility.This trend is observed not only in developed countries but also in emerging countries.It’s a general trend all over the world and whatever the level of economic development.

G for GENERATION  The demographic trends demonstrate that the workforce is aging .Consequently ther will be a scarcity of resources particularly in western countries.As a result the negotiation powershift will increase.

G for GLOBALIZATION In the last 5 years the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has increased as much as in the previous 40 years.With this international expansion ,the sourcing become more and more global and the competition for talents fiercer and fiercer.

S for  SPEED OF CHANGE  All over the world companies are changing and need to be adapted to a permanent transformation.They are obliged to adapt due to new sources of innovation , tougher competition and rapid market reaction.

In addition to these megatrends ,we can observe specifically a common interest in managing talents as a critical HR topic.We suspected a probable talent war in the future ,now with this survey we are sure it will happen by 2015.


1 réponse
  1. Minter Dial
    Minter Dial dit :

    The G for Generation might be the G for Generation Gap. Insofar as the outgoing baby boomer generation is more numerous than the incoming Gen Y, it will become a hirees market replete with demands that we are not used to hearing. And, the other important phenomenon that has changed the playing field is the role of the web: online forums to discuss the companies openly, online talent spotting (eg Linkedin), application handling (eg monster)… It may well be that [part of] the war will also move to the campus: where the company that is best able to interface with the student body wins.


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